Kate Thomson, Matchday volunteer
I feel that I honestly have one of the best seats at the game.

No I don’t get to see a lot of the great plays or many of the goals scored. But I do get to see the excited faces of the little ones who are coming to watch THEIR team play. The happiness of getting to hold their own ticket to get in to the game.
I get to see and hear the pride and enthusiasm of the parents, wives, girlfriends, children of the players.
The familiar faces of our season ticket holders who come out to support and cheer on their team. I welcome and talk to the new faces at the games, and listen to them talk about the starting lineup.
I am privileged enough to work along side some of the hardest working and dedicated volunteers. I hear their excitement and goofy humor in my earbud giving updates throughout the game.
At the end of the game, I am lucky enough to watch the players thank the fans for attending, taking pictures with the kids, kicking the ball around on the field. I get to hear the fans rehashing the game as the walk out the gate 90+ minutes after they walked in.
Maybe I don’t get to see much of the game played on the field but I still think I have the best seat in the house
