Hey, fans! Today, we're thrilled to introduce you to one of DKCU's newest recruits, Julianna Hill. Hailing from Burlington, Iowa, Julianna is set to make waves on the soccer field as a center back for both DKCU and NIU. Let's dive into the world of this talented player and get to know her a bit better!
Name: Julianna Hill

Nicknames: Juli, Jules, Jul
Position: Centerback
Hometown: Burlington, Iowa
School/College: Future student at Northern Illinois University
Social Media:
- Instagram: @juliannadhill
- Twitter: @Julihill06
Team(s) Supported: Real Madrid
"My brother played for DKCU when it first started, so it's really cool to get the chance to continue that tradition."
Fun Facts About Julianna:
Dream Destination: The Shire from The Lord of the Rings
Biggest Pet Peeve: Not sure
Musical Tastes: When Julianna can't decide on something to listen to, she turns to "Golden Hour" by JVKE.
Dream Dinner Party Guests: Not sure
Spirit Animal: Julianna's spirit animal would have tattoos appearing all over her body.
Skin or Tattoos: If given the choice, Julianna would prefer to have tattoos appear all over her body.
Desert Island Food: Smoothies—refreshing and delicious!
Punctuality: Julianna is definitely an early bird, always ready to tackle the day head-on.
Karaoke Anthem: "Golden Hour" by JVKE
Pet Preference: Julianna is definitely a dog person, finding joy in the loyal companionship of our furry friends.
Superpower of Choice: If she could have one superpower, Julianna would choose time travel, eager to explore different eras and witness history firsthand.
Alternate Sports: If not for soccer, Julianna would love to play basketball.
Invisibility Adventure: If she were invisible for a day, Julianna would likely explore different places and observe people without being seen.
Juli Hill brings a blend of skill, determination, and passion to DKCU. With her strong defensive prowess and commitment to the game, she's set to make a significant impact on the field. So, let's give a warm welcome to Julianna and cheer her on as she embarks on this exciting journey with DKCU! ⚽🌟 #MeetTheTeam #DKCU #DefensiveDynamo