DeKalb County United is pleased to announce the formal creation of the following positions within the club and the appointment of volunteers to those roles.
Director of Operations - Morgan Garcia
Director of Sales - Ramneek Chitkara
Director of Media - Nik Myles
Additionally, an Advisory Board will be created that will oversee the day to day operations of the club. This group will be made up of individuals who are passionate about our club and what we represent.

Morgan Garcia has managed player registration, merchandise and a number of other things since the club formed in 2017. In her new role as the Director of Operations she will continue with those duties and also oversee registration for u23 players and will oversee the Advisory Board.

Ramneek “Ram” Chitkara has been an active volunteer for the past two seasons and in his role as Director of Sales he will oversee sponsorships and ticket sales.

Nik Myles, who many know as our in-stadium PA announcer, will oversee all aspects of media including graphics, livestream production, social media and marketing.
Club President John Hall had this to say,
“We’ve been talking about expanding our leadership group for some time now and we’ve finally taken the time to put a plan in place. We’re so fortunate to have more than a dozen individuals who’ve either helped in the past or reached out offering their time or expertise to be a part of the club. We needed to find a way to include and empower them all. These moves and the creation of the Advisory Board will lift everyone up a bit and make sure that all voices are heard and no one gets overloaded in their volunteer work with the club. We’re excited to hear fresh ideas and goals as we prepare for our 3rd season in 2020.”
DeKalb County United is a volunteer managed, non profit club. All operational expenses are covered through sponsorships, ticket sales, merchandise, and soccer events such as camps and tournaments. For more information please email