Imagine if you will a world where you could watch your favorite soccer club while drinking a refreshing beer that was not only named in honor of that self-same soccer club, but also helped fund that self-same soccer club. What a world that would be to live in, right?
Well, dear reader, you need imagine no more!
DeKalb County United Soccer Club is proud and delighted to announce the launch of a partnership with local brewhouse The Forge, and to unveil a specially brewed DKCU "English Style Pale Ale" (please note that your favorite PA announcer was not involved in this, despite what you may think).
So all that remains is to name this fantastic creation. And that is where our favorite season ticket holders come in. Get your thinking caps on and come up with a name and/or can design for this wonder of modern day brewing technology. We at DKCU Towers have done our bit in bringing the beer to life. We just need YOU to give it a name!
The official press release can be read here.
So add your thoughts to the comments here, or hit us up on Twitter or FB, using the hashtag #freebeer
